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Photo Art Friday - February 8, 2013

It's Friday and time to join me on a photo art journey over at Pixel Dust Photo Art.
This weeks PAF theme is: Abstract.  Bonnie provided a texture and a "recipe" of sorts for putting our pieces together.  Now I must tell you I was totally baffled by this theme and scared to post anything because I don't understand how to edit photo's in programs very well.  I'm more of a (hands-on) learner and have no one here that can show me how to do photo editing so I kind of experiment on my own the best I can.  With that said here is what I ended up with.

Original Photos:  Click to Enlarge

For my piece I used the texture Bonnie provided,
Dropped Petals along with
Blue Me Away

Now here is where the fun part comes in.  I started out using the Gimp program.  I know a little tiny bit about using this program.  I started with the Dropped Petals Texture and added the photo of the bars using Difference @70% - Then I saved the photo and used Auto Correct in my Windows program which brightened it up a little.  Next up went to PicMonkey and added the Blue Me Away texture, Hardlight at 25%.  Then I added the photo of the Violets and erased out Coleen's hand.
I ended up with this:

Since I like to add quotes I found one and added it to the piece coming up with version #2

Finally I took this photo and went to Pixlr and used the Polar Coordinates filter, Polar to Rect. and came up with Version #3 - I think this is pretty abstract looking and I like how it turned out.

This was a tough assignment but I think it turned out okay.

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